
7907 rank

Modern Era

603,197 points

708 battles


Next player55young

Previous player Brennius the Great 1185

Score - 30 days
Brennius the Great 1185
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0602,765602,944603,122603,301603,479Mar 26Mar 24Mar 22Mar 20Mar 18Mar 16Mar 14Mar 12Mar 10Mar 8Mar 6Mar 4Mar 2Feb 28Feb 26
Mar 26
Cuthbert: 603,197
55young: 603,479
Brennius the Great 1185: 602,765
Battles - 30 days
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0707708708709709Mar 26Mar 24Mar 22Mar 20Mar 18Mar 16Mar 14Mar 12Mar 10Mar 8Mar 6Mar 4Mar 2Feb 28Feb 26
Mar 26
Battles: 708