
322 rank

Space Age Space Hub

1,431,338,155 points

303,954 battles


Next playermorgue

Previous player Potard the great

Score - 30 days
Potard the great
Created with Raphaël 2.1.01,386,227,6591,398,006,2501,409,784,8411,421,563,4321,433,342,023Mar 21Mar 19Mar 17Mar 15Mar 13Mar 11Mar 9Mar 7Mar 5Mar 3Mar 1Feb 27Feb 25Feb 23Feb 21
Mar 21
Loïcus: 1,431,338,155
morgue: 1,433,342,023
Potard the great: 1,428,818,865
Battles - 30 days
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0302,080302,549303,017303,486303,954Mar 21Mar 19Mar 17Mar 15Mar 13Mar 11Mar 9Mar 7Mar 5Mar 3Mar 1Feb 27Feb 25Feb 23Feb 21
Mar 21
Battles: 303,954