1758 rank

7,798,828 points

2,518 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Demetrio Gomes    RED SKY
Fel Dranghyr 1590 Demetrio Gomes RED SKY 14,545,627 3,122
Demetrio Gomes    UNIDS
Cirgard 1656 Demetrio Gomes UNIDS 13,581,397 3,409
Demetrio Gomes    FAYRYTAIL
Jaims 1512 Demetrio Gomes FAYRYTAIL 12,361,560 3,277
Demetrio Gomes    Heaven And Hell
Houndsmoor 1497 Demetrio Gomes Heaven And Hell 10,156,097 2,351
Demetrio Gomes    Cañamero
Dinegu 1560 Demetrio Gomes Cañamero 9,820,397 2,531
Demetrio Gomes    » IMPERIUM «
East-nagach 1609 Demetrio Gomes » IMPERIUM « 9,781,915 2,023
Demetrio Gomes    Sofilenses
Korch 1174 Demetrio Gomes Sofilenses 9,196,015 2,199
Demetrio Gomes    Legion
Langendorn 994 Demetrio Gomes Legion 8,352,135 2,537
Demetrio Gomes    MATAR OU MORRE
Brisgard 1758 Demetrio Gomes MATAR OU MORRE 7,798,828 2,518
Demetrio Gomes    guardians of hell
Arvahall 2104 Demetrio Gomes guardians of hell 6,926,971 2,102
Demetrio Gomes    Asas da Liberdade
Greifental 1880 Demetrio Gomes Asas da Liberdade 6,208,430 2,609