1283 rank

27,026,699 points

16,932 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
keyxpll    Jiu Jitsu Monster
Greifental 188 keyxpll Jiu Jitsu Monster 443,331,121 180,132
Arvahall 373 keyxpll UNIDOS VENCEREMOS 318,471,981 135,026
keyxpll    WaR MachinE
Korch 247 keyxpll WaR MachinE 254,261,887 99,108
keyxpll    Forge Of PeeroIas
Houndsmoor 568 keyxpll Forge Of PeeroIas 119,629,204 66,090
keyxpll    Casa das primas
East-nagach 661 keyxpll Casa das primas 86,012,758 38,626
keyxpll    Os Tribunos
Cirgard 1283 keyxpll Os Tribunos 27,026,699 16,932
keyxpll    💥☯️DIFERENCIADO💥☯️
Fel Dranghyr 1397 keyxpll 💥☯️DIFERENCIADO💥☯️ 20,545,794 13,948
keyxpll    Fairy tall
Brisgard 3844 keyxpll Fairy tall 305,168 87