619 rank

94,833,381 points

26,476 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
City of Ichiru    RESILIENTE
Brisgard 52 City of Ichiru RESILIENTE 1,583,733,091 249,471
City of Ichiru    SIC MUNDUS
Langendorn 67 City of Ichiru SIC MUNDUS 570,285,960 106,060
City of Ichiru    INSANOS
Korch 370 City of Ichiru INSANOS 141,947,550 33,638
City of Ichiru    ŴØŘŁĐ Ø₣ ŴΔŘ
Arvahall 698 City of Ichiru ŴØŘŁĐ Ø₣ ŴΔŘ 125,517,071 35,757
City of Ichiru    Brazukas team
East-nagach 619 City of Ichiru Brazukas team 94,833,381 26,476
City of Ichiru    Os Sobreviventes
Fel Dranghyr 736 City of Ichiru Os Sobreviventes 86,102,780 21,528