1758 rank

9,469,802 points

9,465 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
the executor    ⚔️Guerreiros Apaches
Houndsmoor 43 the executor ⚔️Guerreiros Apaches 1,302,147,981 335,892
the executor    Rio Maravilha.
Fel Dranghyr 1758 the executor Rio Maravilha. 9,469,802 9,465
the executor    RIO MARAVILHA.
Dinegu 3688 the executor RIO MARAVILHA. 208,027 876
the executor    Rio Maravilha.
Brisgard 4233 the executor Rio Maravilha. 173,074 997
the executor    Rio Maravilha
Jaims 4393 the executor Rio Maravilha 98,764 1,320
the executor    Rio Maravilha.
Arvahall 6225 the executor Rio Maravilha. 25,898 334