4429 rank

142,856 points

219 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Alex Viper 3    DESOCUPADOS
Greifental 3838 Alex Viper 3 DESOCUPADOS 230,075 202
Alex Viper 3    TEMPLARIO
Arvahall 4458 Alex Viper 3 TEMPLARIO 209,520 217
Alex Viper 3    Hogwarts
Langendorn 2582 Alex Viper 3 Hogwarts 195,222 172
Alex Viper 3    Patriotas
Dinegu 3903 Alex Viper 3 Patriotas 162,919 193
Alex Viper 3    ㄞٶOs Fundadoresٶㄞ
Houndsmoor 3758 Alex Viper 3 ㄞٶOs Fundadoresٶㄞ 160,212 199
Alex Viper 3    Império Fênix
East-nagach 3977 Alex Viper 3 Império Fênix 151,086 154
Alex Viper 3    Lord Of The Rings
Brisgard 4362 Alex Viper 3 Lord Of The Rings 150,728 136
Alex Viper 3    Spartanos
Korch 3159 Alex Viper 3 Spartanos 147,573 205
Alex Viper 3    $$ Comerciantes $$
Fel Dranghyr 4429 Alex Viper 3 $$ Comerciantes $$ 142,856 219
Alex Viper 3    WINTERFALL
Cirgard 4562 Alex Viper 3 WINTERFALL 126,311 189
Alex Viper 3    king and Queen
Jaims 4393 Alex Viper 3 king and Queen 100,333 135