3153 rank

596,309 points

574 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Senhora Lali    Δ Ř Ǥ Ø Ş
Arvahall 3482 Senhora Lali Δ Ř Ǥ Ø Ş 682,082 464
Senhora Lali    defesa
Greifental 3153 Senhora Lali defesa 596,309 574
Senhora Lali    U.T.W.
Brisgard 3275 Senhora Lali U.T.W. 564,216 441
Senhora Lali    Sons Of Anarchy
Dinegu 3046 Senhora Lali Sons Of Anarchy 534,434 394
Langendorn 2084 Senhora Lali FORTALEZA COLORADA 475,743 428
Senhora Lali    Lost World
Korch 3074 Senhora Lali Lost World 165,303 119