4018 rank

89,768,912 points

22,408 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
mesiaš 84    Estetix
Arvahall 4018 mesiaš 84 Estetix 89,768,912 22,408
mesiaš 84    Lords of diamonds
Brisgard 8618 mesiaš 84 Lords of diamonds 9,164,900 5,268
mesiaš 84    🌹BARONI 🌹
Greifental 5863 mesiaš 84 🌹BARONI 🌹 1,505,058 2,104
mesiaš 84    🌹BARONI 🌹
Dinegu 16357 mesiaš 84 🌹BARONI 🌹 208,673 491