6560 rank

21,923,441 points

10,558 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
sotuen    Společně to dáme 🙂
Arvahall 5725 sotuen Společně to dáme 🙂 42,389,050 19,162
Brisgard 6560 sotuen DOBRÁ SPOLEČNOST 21,923,441 10,558
sotuen    diamant111
Cirgard 8510 sotuen diamant111 8,265,039 7,546
sotuen    🐲Polibek draka🐲
Dinegu 9406 sotuen 🐲Polibek draka🐲 4,776,864 5,421
sotuen    The best of
East-Nagach 9093 sotuen The best of 3,847,475 4,364
sotuen    Let's dance
Fel Dranghyr 7431 sotuen Let's dance 2,029,681 2,716
sotuen    Expedice 👑
Greifental 6131 sotuen Expedice 👑 1,221,834 1,762
sotuen    Pohoda klid tabáček
Houndsmoor 4694 sotuen Pohoda klid tabáček 471,419 620