11208 rank

2,235,861 points

2,553 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
DeadpoolCZ    No time to die
Dinegu 1851 DeadpoolCZ No time to die 285,949,601 54,377
DeadpoolCZ    Volnost
Brisgard 10822 DeadpoolCZ Volnost 3,473,874 3,487
DeadpoolCZ    Pohoᴅΐčкᵰ ☆☆☆
Cirgard 11208 DeadpoolCZ Pohoᴅΐčкᵰ ☆☆☆ 2,235,861 2,553
DeadpoolCZ    Abraxas
Arvahall 12783 DeadpoolCZ Abraxas 2,073,256 2,796