6096 rank

1,116,852 points

1,169 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lord of the woods    Lesní říše
East-Nagach 801 Lord of the woods Lesní říše 516,028,314 139,099
Lord of the woods    Heroes on the road
Fel Dranghyr 2466 Lord of the woods Heroes on the road 57,535,622 21,496
Lord of the woods    Mustang
Dinegu 7499 Lord of the woods Mustang 11,524,232 5,836
Lord of the woods    Rufus
Arvahall 11216 Lord of the woods Rufus 3,849,963 3,243
Lord of the woods    Boston Bruins
Brisgard 10695 Lord of the woods Boston Bruins 3,400,816 1,734
Lord of the woods    Sunshine bugy
Cirgard 11526 Lord of the woods Sunshine bugy 1,794,803 1,432
Lord of the woods    Legion
Greifental 6096 Lord of the woods Legion 1,116,852 1,169
Lord of the woods    samotáři
Houndsmoor 3523 Lord of the woods samotáři 1,074,185 502