11018 rank

19,490,806 points

11,039 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Jessy the Lion Queen    "Die Hilfreichen"
Korch 8939 Jessy the Lion Queen "Die Hilfreichen" 21,720,091 5,148
Jessy the Lion Queen    Good Time 77
Arvahall 11018 Jessy the Lion Queen Good Time 77 19,490,806 11,039
Jessy the Lion Queen    Freie Abenteurer
Eldenborough 10391 Jessy the Lion Queen Freie Abenteurer 18,309,084 6,449
Jessy the Lion Queen    Schatten Krieger
Tuulech 10554 Jessy the Lion Queen Schatten Krieger 8,072,639 1,526
Jessy the Lion Queen    Unantastbar
Odhrorvar 12422 Jessy the Lion Queen Unantastbar 5,263,340 1,702