2544 rank

244,144,938 points

194,428 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Camela.J.59    Quantum
Arvahall 2544 Camela.J.59 Quantum 244,144,938 194,428
Camela.J.59    New Waves
Noarsil 2544 Camela.J.59 New Waves 225,975,698 193,072
Camela.J.59    ⚔️The Art of War🌪️
Xyr 352 Camela.J.59 ⚔️The Art of War🌪️ 157,739,093 123,738
Camela.J.59    touch the firewall
Vingrid 3778 Camela.J.59 touch the firewall 44,171,526 69,562
Camela.J.59    Die Trekkies
Brisgard 7736 Camela.J.59 Die Trekkies 35,650,047 46,161