3530 rank

215,722,377 points

48,791 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
chiropta    Pure World of Wisdom
Tuulech 297 chiropta Pure World of Wisdom 1,611,569,313 226,205
chiropta    Elfenbeinturm
Arvahall 3530 chiropta Elfenbeinturm 215,722,377 48,791
chiropta    ⚔️The Art of War🌪️
Xyr 1454 chiropta ⚔️The Art of War🌪️ 80,065,956 21,010
chiropta    The First Legion
Jaims 6772 chiropta The First Legion 54,763,874 20,181
chiropta    Die Gremlins
Vingrid 4497 chiropta Die Gremlins 45,543,901 21,823
chiropta    Armada
Uceria 6884 chiropta Armada 37,344,879 29,873
chiropta    Glanz & Gloria
Greifental 8800 chiropta Glanz & Gloria 36,943,843 18,254
chiropta    Nebenweltler
Walstrand 3001 chiropta Nebenweltler 34,552,832 16,936
chiropta    Entspannte Karnickel
Korch 7913 chiropta Entspannte Karnickel 34,137,864 18,446
chiropta    Kelljo
Brisgard 10180 chiropta Kelljo 22,363,756 10,357
chiropta    Reiter der Kokosnuss
Cirgard 11122 chiropta Reiter der Kokosnuss 14,207,418 7,098
chiropta    Glory Knights
Dinegu 11226 chiropta Glory Knights 12,929,977 7,132