18208 rank

3,106,078 points

5,750 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sabrina xxxxx    Die Schotten
Langendorn 2642 Sabrina xxxxx Die Schotten 318,122,408 191,352
Sabrina xxxxx    Game Fellas
Fel Dranghyr 8562 Sabrina xxxxx Game Fellas 32,044,615 31,294
Sabrina xxxxx    Raiders on the Storm
Vingrid 6074 Sabrina xxxxx Raiders on the Storm 22,399,492 44,492
Sabrina xxxxx    Winds of War
Walstrand 6256 Sabrina xxxxx Winds of War 6,190,804 13,684
Sabrina xxxxx   
Arvahall 18208 Sabrina xxxxx 3,106,078 5,750