2199 rank

420,203,520 points

54,258 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
babs102    Friedlicher Handel
Brisgard 1381 babs102 Friedlicher Handel 655,158,066 112,642
babs102    🔱Aktives Refugium🔱
Dinegu 1777 babs102 🔱Aktives Refugium🔱 559,706,791 89,004
babs102    Friedlicher Handel
Eldenborough 1819 babs102 Friedlicher Handel 497,528,148 72,204
babs102    Royal Flush
Cirgard 2047 babs102 Royal Flush 440,925,382 58,155
babs102    Nation of Glory
Fel Dranghyr 2147 babs102 Nation of Glory 434,188,283 60,768
babs102    HanseDrachen
Arvahall 2199 babs102 HanseDrachen 420,203,520 54,258
babs102    🐺Wolfenstein🐺
Greifental 2271 babs102 🐺Wolfenstein🐺 406,485,831 54,589
babs102    Die Freunde
Noarsil 2092 babs102 Die Freunde 406,296,585 86,567
babs102    Freigeist
Langendorn 2246 babs102 Freigeist 404,750,287 80,810
babs102    Amicitia Sempiterna
Houndsmoor 2284 babs102 Amicitia Sempiterna 390,145,403 49,901
babs102    Klatschm🌸hnwiese
Jaims 2236 babs102 Klatschm🌸hnwiese 381,004,770 42,725
babs102    ✨lights of eternity✨
Korch 2468 babs102 ✨lights of eternity✨ 317,858,851 59,667
babs102    Sioux
Parkog 2752 babs102 Sioux 249,301,240 47,673
babs102    Ullovs Black Isle
Mount Killmore 3360 babs102 Ullovs Black Isle 241,089,018 40,982