17635 rank

3,443,781 points

6,105 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Arya the Strong    Great Phoenix
Xyr 526 Arya the Strong Great Phoenix 199,226,323 107,363
Arya the Strong    A-Team 🇺🇦
Uceria 6655 Arya the Strong A-Team 🇺🇦 36,783,899 23,353
Arya the Strong    🌞warum nicht🌞
Brisgard 10952 Arya the Strong 🌞warum nicht🌞 16,427,718 16,516
Arya the Strong    Die Urlauber
Arvahall 17635 Arya the Strong Die Urlauber 3,443,781 6,105