31822 rank

100,666 points

209 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Xyr 12973 SmartChief 133,019 287
SmartChief    Red Angel
Sinerania 23408 SmartChief Red Angel 128,435 153
SmartChief    The Warriors
Arvahall 31822 SmartChief The Warriors 100,666 209
SmartChief    Die Kämpfer
Dinegu 26162 SmartChief Die Kämpfer 99,953 239
Fel Dranghyr 26361 SmartChief 99,122 167
SmartChief    GER
Cirgard 27419 SmartChief GER 94,486 167
SmartChief    The Empires
Brisgard 29597 SmartChief The Empires 92,053 204
SmartChief    Der Rat
Eldenborough 28851 SmartChief Der Rat 74,934 232
SmartChief    Die Otter
Rugnir 25415 SmartChief Die Otter 61,954 81
SmartChief    Firewolf
Vingrid 24715 SmartChief Firewolf 32,371 114
Walstrand 19879 SmartChief 28,668 94
SmartChief    Magnus Opus
Houndsmoor 31356 SmartChief Magnus Opus 27,625 88
SmartChief    Welcome!
Qunrir 28058 SmartChief Welcome! 24,310 90
SmartChief    drake
Uceria 29584 SmartChief drake 22,298 161
SmartChief    die Traumtänzer
Korch 30592 SmartChief die Traumtänzer 21,408 98