30711 rank

134,279 points

397 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Langendorn 7104 Minako1 51,857,245 14,777
Minako1    OnePieces
Walstrand 5265 Minako1 OnePieces 10,071,514 2,935
Minako1    Lords of Forges
Fel Dranghyr 16754 Minako1 Lords of Forges 1,911,453 1,311
Minako1    Adv€ntur€ Gall€¥
Brisgard 23306 Minako1 Adv€ntur€ Gall€¥ 503,115 554
Minako1    blubb
Arvahall 30711 Minako1 blubb 134,279 397