14512 rank

7,730,564 points

5,663 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
billykane2842    Lords of Empires
Korch 8379 billykane2842 Lords of Empires 24,968,570 22,246
billykane2842    Kaufleute
Greifental 12889 billykane2842 Kaufleute 10,455,695 5,744
billykane2842    Invictus
Arvahall 14512 billykane2842 Invictus 7,730,564 5,663
billykane2842    Outpost
Eldenborough 13992 billykane2842 Outpost 5,966,464 3,621
billykane2842    Outpost
Dinegu 14102 billykane2842 Outpost 4,539,298 3,811
billykane2842    Outpost
Uceria 17950 billykane2842 Outpost 783,306 1,996