9790 rank

18,194,092 points

17,856 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Horst G    Lords ⚔ Freimaurer
Brisgard 540 Horst G Lords ⚔ Freimaurer 1,408,865,383 351,054
Langendorn 4087 Horst G HANDELSKRIEG 166,904,758 76,503
Horst G    EinfachNurChillen😊
Vingrid 4071 Horst G EinfachNurChillen😊 58,869,279 39,986
Horst G    🙬 Equilibrium 🙮
Cirgard 7041 Horst G 🙬 Equilibrium 🙮 56,713,225 54,303
Horst G    Dragon Riders
Odhrorvar 7294 Horst G Dragon Riders 39,996,039 66,576
Horst G    The legend of Korch
Korch 9790 Horst G The legend of Korch 18,194,092 17,856