8003 rank

33,763,876 points

57,806 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Gotohell    49 Musketiere
Houndsmoor 787 Gotohell 49 Musketiere 1,109,752,958 340,023
Gotohell    ⚔️ WIKINGER ⚔️
Qunrir 2430 Gotohell ⚔️ WIKINGER ⚔️ 307,553,615 156,151
Gotohell    Expedition Zukunft
Korch 8003 Gotohell Expedition Zukunft 33,763,876 57,806
Gotohell    ⚡Heart of Phoenix⚡
Parkog 9996 Gotohell ⚡Heart of Phoenix⚡ 13,284,766 28,819