15783 rank

2,726,814 points

2,132 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Noarsil 2444 joe.cool 322,589,523 55,811
Walstrand 909 joe.cool 194,812,823 30,804
joe.cool    Drachenseele
Eldenborough 12886 joe.cool Drachenseele 9,130,721 3,162
joe.cool    Expedition Guild
Fel Dranghyr 12707 joe.cool Expedition Guild 8,207,025 3,055
joe.cool    ohne gilde
Arvahall 16782 joe.cool ohne gilde 4,792,436 2,735
joe.cool    Jupiter
Mount Killmore 15113 joe.cool Jupiter 4,418,272 2,637
joe.cool    Die Nandianer
Korch 13959 joe.cool Die Nandianer 4,270,891 2,560
joe.cool    Austria forever
Cirgard 15256 joe.cool Austria forever 3,757,691 2,414
joe.cool    Trading-Company
Brisgard 16406 joe.cool Trading-Company 3,678,184 2,379
joe.cool    Strotzbüsch
Dinegu 15159 joe.cool Strotzbüsch 3,270,229 2,487
joe.cool    Black Dragon
Parkog 13610 joe.cool Black Dragon 3,101,694 2,146
joe.cool    Wikinger
Jaims 15097 joe.cool Wikinger 3,060,558 2,294
joe.cool    DeutscheBrüderschaft
Greifental 17596 joe.cool DeutscheBrüderschaft 2,961,000 2,085
joe.cool    Meeresabenteuer
Odhrorvar 14046 joe.cool Meeresabenteuer 2,788,409 2,215
joe.cool    Sirius
Langendorn 15783 joe.cool Sirius 2,726,814 2,132
joe.cool    Zwanglos
Houndsmoor 16226 joe.cool Zwanglos 2,505,415 2,033
joe.cool    Alte Garde
Sinerania 15319 joe.cool Alte Garde 1,822,365 2,052
joe.cool    The Division
Rugnir 15034 joe.cool The Division 1,780,017 1,886
joe.cool    Keller Kinder
Qunrir 15047 joe.cool Keller Kinder 1,763,602 1,952
joe.cool    Phalanx
Tuulech 16725 joe.cool Phalanx 827,752 1,694
joe.cool    Die durchgeknallten
Uceria 19584 joe.cool Die durchgeknallten 455,783 1,137
Vingrid 22527 joe.cool 60,423 279