269 rank

2,067,385,910 points

473,213 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Thea Augusta    β§π‚πŒ°πŒΆπˆπ‚πƒβ§
Langendorn 269 Thea Augusta β§π‚πŒ°πŒΆπˆπ‚πƒβ§ 2,067,385,910 473,213
Thea Augusta    Phalangae 94
Mount Killmore 2481 Thea Augusta Phalangae 94 351,085,655 75,983
Thea Augusta    my friends and me^^
Tuulech 4296 Thea Augusta my friends and me^^ 97,471,285 34,450
Thea Augusta    🏑 SchΓΆner Wohnen 🏑
Vingrid 4156 Thea Augusta 🏑 Schâner Wohnen 🏑 54,244,632 15,134
Thea Augusta    - Pause -
Houndsmoor 8321 Thea Augusta - Pause - 37,507,431 16,759
Thea Augusta    Razors Diamond Mine
Brisgard 11245 Thea Augusta Razors Diamond Mine 16,622,700 11,170
Thea Augusta    Aussenstelle
Parkog 9386 Thea Augusta Aussenstelle 16,020,313 7,857
Thea Augusta    Die Eisenzeit Gilde
Fel Dranghyr 12881 Thea Augusta Die Eisenzeit Gilde 7,808,648 12,870
Thea Augusta    Mondlandung
Walstrand 14634 Thea Augusta Mondlandung 160,909 86