11524 rank

12,008,654 points

10,238 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Egdoth    dante
Fel Dranghyr 1643 Egdoth dante 579,455,381 132,134
Egdoth    Grindel
Arvahall 7439 Egdoth Grindel 59,595,368 23,410
Egdoth    Liberty
Eldenborough 8420 Egdoth Liberty 36,361,393 17,609
Egdoth    Die Neuen2020
Brisgard 8832 Egdoth Die Neuen2020 33,136,723 22,559
Egdoth    wird schon
Houndsmoor 8812 Egdoth wird schon 31,984,394 15,601
Egdoth    Kirk
Jaims 8684 Egdoth Kirk 27,995,077 20,256
Egdoth    ebs08
Korch 8609 Egdoth ebs08 26,517,620 19,726
Egdoth    ABundWANN
Greifental 9995 Egdoth ABundWANN 26,400,075 19,908
Egdoth    Peschmek
Dinegu 9184 Egdoth Peschmek 25,350,342 18,105
Cirgard 9396 Egdoth 24,599,222 13,536
Egdoth    The kingdom
Mount Killmore 10604 Egdoth The kingdom 18,247,422 15,044
Egdoth    Unglaublich
Langendorn 11524 Egdoth Unglaublich 12,008,654 10,238
Egdoth    Morlocks
Odhrorvar 14572 Egdoth Morlocks 2,223,136 2,044
Egdoth    Feuerland
Parkog 17323 Egdoth Feuerland 765,546 1,112
Egdoth    Schoppepetzer
Qunrir 18429 Egdoth Schoppepetzer 541,574 1,134
Noarsil 22249 Egdoth 233,987 468
Egdoth    Neue Welt
Vingrid 18698 Egdoth Neue Welt 204,964 405
Sinerania 21938 Egdoth 201,175 398
Tuulech 21224 Egdoth 194,371 380
Egdoth    Urlaubszeit
Uceria 22554 Egdoth Urlaubszeit 178,443 389
Egdoth    Spaßgesellschaft
Rugnir 22077 Egdoth Spaßgesellschaft 174,034 391