17837 rank

1,369,706 points

2,699 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Redlucifer    Bit of Saal
Jaims 9983 Redlucifer Bit of Saal 16,747,752 6,235
Redlucifer    Bit of Saal
Langendorn 17837 Redlucifer Bit of Saal 1,369,706 2,699
Redlucifer    Redlucifer
Brisgard 19714 Redlucifer Redlucifer 1,238,757 2,743
Redlucifer    Redlucifer
Tuulech 15687 Redlucifer Redlucifer 1,161,594 2,758
Redlucifer    Master Gilde
Eldenborough 21678 Redlucifer Master Gilde 566,126 1,243