22325 rank

352,398 points

77 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Changell    Legion des Todes
Parkog 16191 Changell Legion des Todes 1,118,533 365
Changell    best2
Brisgard 21872 Changell best2 708,678 320
Changell    Die Wandelwelt
Houndsmoor 21757 Changell Die Wandelwelt 456,789 37
Changell    Storm of Change
Walstrand 11976 Changell Storm of Change 397,768 29
Changell    Lisa's Herde
Langendorn 22325 Changell Lisa's Herde 352,398 77
Changell    Zorn der Zeit
Dinegu 22141 Changell Zorn der Zeit 334,660 48