4217 rank

166,576,448 points

86,145 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
SlyCard1976    🍺Bräustüberl🍻
Cirgard 1878 SlyCard1976 🍺Bräustüberl🍻 486,485,662 144,601
SlyCard1976    Königreich d. Himmel
Mount Killmore 4217 SlyCard1976 Königreich d. Himmel 166,576,448 86,145
SlyCard1976    The Phantom
Tuulech 6466 SlyCard1976 The Phantom 40,635,091 38,565
SlyCard1976    The Phantom
Arvahall 16745 SlyCard1976 The Phantom 4,983,487 5,928
SlyCard1976    The Phantom
Brisgard 16184 SlyCard1976 The Phantom 4,067,030 5,591
SlyCard1976    The Phantom
Greifental 16818 SlyCard1976 The Phantom 3,867,502 5,556
SlyCard1976    The Phantom
Fel Dranghyr 14988 SlyCard1976 The Phantom 3,842,027 5,665
SlyCard1976    The Phantom
Jaims 14596 SlyCard1976 The Phantom 3,809,888 5,125
SlyCard1976    The Phantom
Noarsil 14066 SlyCard1976 The Phantom 3,785,258 4,994
SlyCard1976    The Phantom
Sinerania 13577 SlyCard1976 The Phantom 3,704,842 5,023
SlyCard1976    The Phantom
Houndsmoor 15216 SlyCard1976 The Phantom 3,675,295 5,446
SlyCard1976    The Phantom
Korch 14385 SlyCard1976 The Phantom 3,644,953 5,020
SlyCard1976    The Phantom
Qunrir 13387 SlyCard1976 The Phantom 3,587,800 4,928
SlyCard1976    The Phantom
Eldenborough 15748 SlyCard1976 The Phantom 3,570,948 5,303
SlyCard1976    The Phantom
Langendorn 15074 SlyCard1976 The Phantom 3,568,100 5,139
SlyCard1976    The Phantom
Rugnir 13288 SlyCard1976 The Phantom 3,562,205 5,058
SlyCard1976    The Phantom
Parkog 13328 SlyCard1976 The Phantom 3,524,467 4,938
SlyCard1976    The Phantom
Odhrorvar 13554 SlyCard1976 The Phantom 3,515,393 4,881
SlyCard1976    The Phantom
Dinegu 15029 SlyCard1976 The Phantom 3,479,653 6,024