30260 rank

51,327 points

145 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
conny 12    Götterdrache
Arvahall 27474 conny 12 Götterdrache 290,898 1,653
conny 12    Die Schlümpfe
Walstrand 13060 conny 12 Die Schlümpfe 276,125 615
conny 12   
Fel Dranghyr 23385 conny 12 240,559 600
conny 12   
Cirgard 24876 conny 12 195,514 603
conny 12    The Players
Vingrid 20638 conny 12 The Players 106,554 675
conny 12   
Sinerania 24177 conny 12 98,815 252
conny 12    Tabula Rasa
Uceria 25823 conny 12 Tabula Rasa 63,851 140
conny 12   
Mount Killmore 30260 conny 12 51,327 145
conny 12    top of europe
Brisgard 33530 conny 12 top of europe 34,173 76
conny 12   
Xyr 16799 conny 12 33,207 126