6144 rank

73,232,630 points

34,767 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
mum3    Lords of Empire
Brisgard 5625 mum3 Lords of Empire 82,858,879 32,719
mum3    Just 4 Fun
Arvahall 6226 mum3 Just 4 Fun 76,431,047 33,763
mum3    ☠ One Piece ☠
Mount Killmore 6144 mum3 ☠ One Piece ☠ 73,232,630 34,767
mum3    🐺 Wolfsrudel 🐺
Cirgard 6107 mum3 🐺 Wolfsrudel 🐺 67,380,856 30,946