14771 rank

4,726,201 points

1,951 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
bobik12    Nanu
Fel Dranghyr 12321 bobik12 Nanu 8,773,815 2,380
bobik12    swiss82
Eldenborough 13045 bobik12 swiss82 8,219,728 2,020
bobik12    Freie Fachschaft
Houndsmoor 12850 bobik12 Freie Fachschaft 8,114,372 2,066
bobik12    Bergisch by nature
Odhrorvar 11926 bobik12 Bergisch by nature 6,410,798 2,221
bobik12    Final Slayers
Noarsil 12525 bobik12 Final Slayers 6,364,651 1,791
bobik12    The Fallen
Jaims 13613 bobik12 The Fallen 5,207,230 2,325
bobik12    Piratastaad
Mount Killmore 14771 bobik12 Piratastaad 4,726,201 1,951
bobik12    ichunddu
Parkog 12952 bobik12 ichunddu 4,025,266 1,797
bobik12    Walddruiden.
Sinerania 13589 bobik12 Walddruiden. 3,599,771 1,985
bobik12    Nr.1
Qunrir 13423 bobik12 Nr.1 3,391,861 1,560