10645 rank

11,258,193 points

7,879 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Mar Mar the Xth    Waschbärbande
Eldenborough 468 Mar Mar the Xth Waschbärbande 1,072,443,258 244,172
Mar Mar the Xth    ☕ Kaffeestube ☕
Tuulech 5655 Mar Mar the Xth ☕ Kaffeestube ☕ 41,551,007 42,531
Mar Mar the Xth    Speculose
Noarsil 10645 Mar Mar the Xth Speculose 11,258,193 7,879
Mar Mar the Xth    Fireflies
Walstrand 6178 Mar Mar the Xth Fireflies 3,762,113 7,763
Mar Mar the Xth    Mittelerde
Vingrid 10836 Mar Mar the Xth Mittelerde 2,457,206 4,386