65 rank

3,595,421,229 points

969,391 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Vectorx    ╬ Mυѕкє†єєяѕ ╬ ☮
Noarsil 65 Vectorx ╬ Mυѕкє†єєяѕ ╬ ☮ 3,595,421,229 969,391
Vectorx    -xXx-
Tuulech 1310 Vectorx -xXx- 564,277,882 244,840
Vectorx    Riders of Rohan
Mount Killmore 2331 Vectorx Riders of Rohan 393,640,191 237,261
Vectorx    Diamantenmine 💎
Houndsmoor 2655 Vectorx Diamantenmine 💎 323,159,638 195,871
Vectorx    Wunschbrunnen Städte
Greifental 2780 Vectorx Wunschbrunnen Städte 317,662,143 162,604