7838 rank

32,151,113 points

8,235 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
1anki1    Victoris
Tuulech 6609 1anki1 Victoris 34,049,916 7,958
1anki1    Vingrid-Nebenwelt
Vingrid 4926 1anki1 Vingrid-Nebenwelt 32,531,724 8,293
1anki1    The affair
Noarsil 7838 1anki1 The affair 32,151,113 8,235
1anki1    Die Nachtfalken
Parkog 7567 1anki1 Die Nachtfalken 29,910,087 7,641
1anki1    All for One
Qunrir 9927 1anki1 All for One 12,984,307 4,366