926 rank

867,483,636 points

264,185 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tom from the Darkness    Wir sind die Borg
Rugnir 517 Tom from the Darkness Wir sind die Borg 1,289,772,307 337,867
Tom from the Darkness    Kommune
Odhrorvar 926 Tom from the Darkness Kommune 867,483,636 264,185
Tom from the Darkness    Fairness & Spaß
Arvahall 1453 Tom from the Darkness Fairness & Spaß 616,854,680 234,569
Tom from the Darkness    ExpeditionsCamp
Sinerania 1385 Tom from the Darkness ExpeditionsCamp 571,506,438 240,892
Tom from the Darkness    Voices of Doom
Brisgard 1850 Tom from the Darkness Voices of Doom 456,791,137 174,516
Tom from the Darkness    Lummerland 2.0
Fel Dranghyr 2000 Tom from the Darkness Lummerland 2.0 448,525,351 176,164