10587 rank

11,226,121 points

16,992 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Seed Collector    👋🏻 Spass
Korch 6961 Seed Collector 👋🏻 Spass 48,391,290 36,575
Seed Collector    Ferrum et Adamantis
Cirgard 10048 Seed Collector Ferrum et Adamantis 20,083,425 39,338
Seed Collector    Erna's Analie
Uceria 8996 Seed Collector Erna's Analie 17,746,580 13,283
Seed Collector    Orcania of Time
Odhrorvar 10587 Seed Collector Orcania of Time 11,226,121 16,992