7889 rank

30,785,041 points

57,314 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Horst G    Lords ⚔ Freimaurer
Brisgard 566 Horst G Lords ⚔ Freimaurer 1,318,798,709 334,590
Langendorn 4024 Horst G HANDELSKRIEG 166,224,844 76,333
Horst G    Inaktive Pappnasen
Vingrid 4006 Horst G Inaktive Pappnasen 58,358,635 39,863
Horst G    🙬 Equilibrium 🙮
Cirgard 7254 Horst G 🙬 Equilibrium 🙮 50,219,124 52,002
Horst G    Dragon Riders
Odhrorvar 7889 Horst G Dragon Riders 30,785,041 57,314
Horst G    The legend of Korch
Korch 10119 Horst G The legend of Korch 15,902,850 17,317