9351 rank

16,646,143 points

2,430 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
motherofsnakes    Die uralten
Jaims 9734 motherofsnakes Die uralten 17,958,579 2,454
motherofsnakes    Gilde für Alle ®
Odhrorvar 9351 motherofsnakes Gilde für Alle ® 16,646,143 2,430
motherofsnakes    Space Economy
Mount Killmore 10876 motherofsnakes Space Economy 15,668,520 2,727
motherofsnakes    Black Girl
Langendorn 10537 motherofsnakes Black Girl 15,213,170 2,538
motherofsnakes    Sons of Germany
Uceria 9423 motherofsnakes Sons of Germany 14,312,428 2,146