4388 rank

121,050,000 points

36,251 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
VPOTZ    🌳grüner Hirsch🌳
Odhrorvar 4388 VPOTZ 🌳grüner Hirsch🌳 121,050,000 36,251
VPOTZ    the green mile
Walstrand 1713 VPOTZ the green mile 83,908,741 31,928
VPOTZ    Bloody Jumper
Xyr 2004 VPOTZ Bloody Jumper 49,727,292 28,983
VPOTZ    🕊 Spaß & Freude
Jaims 7123 VPOTZ 🕊 Spaß & Freude 48,472,543 28,016