20874 rank

312,964 points

138 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Van Culture of London    ][ Die Templer ][
Houndsmoor 2466 Van Culture of London ][ Die Templer ][ 243,833,527 186,261
Van Culture of London    EinfachNurChillen😊
Vingrid 11320 Van Culture of London EinfachNurChillen😊 2,000,393 7,564
Van Culture of London    DieEisernen
Langendorn 16827 Van Culture of London DieEisernen 1,826,758 11,261
Van Culture of London    Meerkater 🇺🇦
Odhrorvar 20874 Van Culture of London Meerkater 🇺🇦 312,964 138