19045 rank

488,740 points

364 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Baycro    Geisterhaus
Arvahall 23880 Baycro Geisterhaus 659,844 631
Baycro    Hauruck2018
Brisgard 22352 Baycro Hauruck2018 630,968 600
Baycro    Bird of Prey VIII
Eldenborough 21538 Baycro Bird of Prey VIII 588,666 442
Baycro    Troja deutsch
Jaims 20130 Baycro Troja deutsch 573,720 498
Baycro    Die Söldner
Odhrorvar 19045 Baycro Die Söldner 488,740 364
Baycro    Just_for_fun
Parkog 19606 Baycro Just_for_fun 393,945 350
Baycro    WaterkantBlues
Qunrir 20219 Baycro WaterkantBlues 315,296 248
Baycro    Freya
Korch 26573 Baycro Freya 79,222 126