12291 rank

5,503,979 points

1,085 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Gothic *Leo*    Legends of Brisgard
Brisgard 558 Gothic *Leo* Legends of Brisgard 1,365,183,987 256,917
Gothic *Leo*    ~Freundlichkeit~
Walstrand 6137 Gothic *Leo* ~Freundlichkeit~ 6,724,429 4,177
Gothic *Leo*    Black Sun🌞
Houndsmoor 14009 Gothic *Leo* Black Sun🌞 5,812,379 1,332
Gothic *Leo*    Funitionspunk
Sinerania 12510 Gothic *Leo* Funitionspunk 5,748,194 1,219
Gothic *Leo*    *Excalibur*
Jaims 13504 Gothic *Leo* *Excalibur* 5,707,844 1,174
Gothic *Leo*    EinfachSo
Mount Killmore 14420 Gothic *Leo* EinfachSo 5,576,852 1,096
Gothic *Leo*    Westeros:)
Qunrir 12339 Gothic *Leo* Westeros:) 5,534,741 1,019
Gothic *Leo*    Spass am Spiel
Parkog 12291 Gothic *Leo* Spass am Spiel 5,503,979 1,085
Gothic *Leo*    world trade
Korch 13363 Gothic *Leo* world trade 5,304,507 1,001
Gothic *Leo*    Feuer und Blut
Uceria 12421 Gothic *Leo* Feuer und Blut 5,303,580 1,181
Gothic *Leo*    Weltenbummler
Noarsil 13342 Gothic *Leo* Weltenbummler 5,054,195 1,041