19862 rank

334,462 points

44 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
ViperAcw    🐺 Schattenwölfe 🐺
Mount Killmore 4278 ViperAcw 🐺 Schattenwölfe 🐺 159,293,003 129,112
ViperAcw    Blood Eagle
Parkog 19862 ViperAcw Blood Eagle 334,462 44
ViperAcw    Kings Of The World
Tuulech 21725 ViperAcw Kings Of The World 164,730 20
Qunrir 22080 ViperAcw 159,621 14
ViperAcw    roemer2
Arvahall 30905 ViperAcw roemer2 126,010 7
Greifental 29582 ViperAcw 119,636 8
ViperAcw    Die Freimaurer
Langendorn 26096 ViperAcw Die Freimaurer 115,566 11
Cirgard 26848 ViperAcw 109,073 4
Sinerania 24074 ViperAcw 101,353 13
ViperAcw    nonono
Dinegu 27042 ViperAcw nonono 74,752 6
ViperAcw    Österreich's Armee
Uceria 25268 ViperAcw Österreich's Armee 74,400 9
ViperAcw    power puff girls
Eldenborough 28789 ViperAcw power puff girls 74,032 12
ViperAcw    Hanswurst
Noarsil 26522 ViperAcw Hanswurst 61,979 7
Brisgard 32533 ViperAcw 44,527 9
Odhrorvar 26311 ViperAcw 44,294 6