15386 rank

1,525,306 points

2,955 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
tnohr    Die Aussteiger
Houndsmoor 619 tnohr Die Aussteiger 1,014,255,737 171,062
tnohr    The Unbreakables
Noarsil 727 tnohr The Unbreakables 853,736,281 138,242
tnohr    Killerkekse
Sinerania 12754 tnohr Killerkekse 4,906,663 7,686
tnohr    Spaßgesellschaft
Arvahall 19263 tnohr Spaßgesellschaft 2,077,762 3,643
tnohr    Colonia Agrippina
Rugnir 15381 tnohr Colonia Agrippina 1,536,385 2,802
tnohr    Sentinel
Parkog 15386 tnohr Sentinel 1,525,306 2,955