9184 rank

16,042,956 points

4,559 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lard    Akragas
Fel Dranghyr 542 Lard Akragas 1,260,251,589 296,459
Lard    Enterprise
Jaims 1443 Lard Enterprise 522,261,222 113,988
Lard    in dubio pro reo
Brisgard 2050 Lard in dubio pro reo 362,953,043 76,311
Lard    Ohne Verpflichtung
Rugnir 3201 Lard Ohne Verpflichtung 164,388,804 69,182
Lard    Shades of Cadan
Qunrir 7792 Lard Shades of Cadan 28,143,513 8,122
Lard    Wilhelmsburg Gilde
Parkog 9184 Lard Wilhelmsburg Gilde 16,042,956 4,559