1355 rank

552,766,120 points

174,987 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Hugin Rabenson    Knights of Asgard
Odhrorvar 494 Hugin Rabenson Knights of Asgard 1,371,909,148 299,939
Hugin Rabenson    planlos
Parkog 1355 Hugin Rabenson planlos 552,766,120 174,987
Hugin Rabenson    🕊️ The Legends 🕊️
Sinerania 3187 Hugin Rabenson 🕊️ The Legends 🕊️ 202,740,282 120,568
Hugin Rabenson    Lone one
Jaims 6143 Hugin Rabenson Lone one 68,797,004 72,407