8767 rank

19,739,464 points

34,951 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tim the 1st   
Mount Killmore 9110 Tim the 1st 27,308,247 74,706
Tim the 1st    Récréation
Qunrir 8767 Tim the 1st Récréation 19,739,464 34,951
Tim the 1st    Falkenstein
Sinerania 10346 Tim the 1st Falkenstein 11,570,877 30,601
Tim the 1st    Keksfabrik
Vingrid 7695 Tim the 1st Keksfabrik 10,409,290 22,332
Tim the 1st    Harvest
Arvahall 23126 Tim the 1st Harvest 797,369 166
Tim the 1st    Harvest
Eldenborough 20435 Tim the 1st Harvest 795,546 1,256