22876 rank

133,552 points

344 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
scottigger    F4IR
Qunrir 22876 scottigger F4IR 133,552 344
scottigger    Alte saecke
Greifental 31064 scottigger Alte saecke 88,292 263
scottigger    Just Chill
Fel Dranghyr 27232 scottigger Just Chill 84,691 388
Arvahall 33593 scottigger 65,154 383
scottigger    legacy of Memorie
Houndsmoor 28871 scottigger legacy of Memorie 62,486 328
scottigger    Die Wohlhabenden
Vingrid 22567 scottigger Die Wohlhabenden 60,574 289
Rugnir 28792 scottigger 25,196 56