2957 rank

235,000,481 points

210,522 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ella Q    ☠️Forge of Death ☠️
Qunrir 2957 Ella Q ☠️Forge of Death ☠️ 235,000,481 210,522
Ella Q    The Golden Circle
Greifental 5989 Ella Q The Golden Circle 91,757,834 148,389
Ella Q    💣 EXCidium 2.0💣
Mount Killmore 6734 Ella Q 💣 EXCidium 2.0💣 67,364,852 125,891
Ella Q    🦅Adlerhorst🦅
Eldenborough 7090 Ella Q 🦅Adlerhorst🦅 58,104,291 150,857